Windows, DOS or per BIOS-Setup?
Please note: a BIOS update is not safe! I read often in forums something like: I've done dozens of times on Windows a BIOS update and never see what happens. You're lucky! Because a survey on BIOSFLASH has shown a completely different result. After that most accidents happen (to ~ 75%) clearly under Windows - which I think is not too surprising!
The timing to program an IC is extremely important, because bytes are programmed in nano- or microseconds cycles onto the chip. If your OS, or an installed software freezes or has a blackout - e.g. while your E-Mail client receiving new E-Mails, or your AV software is starting a virus scan, or your OS is installing a new update in the background - then the BIOS-Chip is programmed incorrectly and nothing works after a reboot.
- First choice: BIOS-Update with built-in BIOS Flash tool
Mainboard manufacturers like e.g. ASUS, ASROCK, GIGABYTE and MSI have integrated in many mainboard models a Flashtool inside the BIOS-Setup (EZ-Flash, Instant-Flash, Q-Flash, or M-Flash). The usage is very simple: you have to purchase the BIOS file from the mainboard/notebook/brand PC manufacturer website. Copy the BIOS file onto a FAT16/FAT32 formatted USB-Stick, a formatted Diskette, or onto a CD. Start the Flashtool, choose the drive where the BIOS file is stored, and follow the instructions. Remember: it's a good idea to take a look into the mainboard manual or other readme/help files from your manufacturer!
See: Manufacturer links - Second choice: BIOS-Update per bootable USB-Stick (DOS)
Instead of using a CD or Diskette, an USB-Stick has some essential advantages: it is easy to format a pendrive and making it bootable. Also there is no size limitation like on a diskette. And primarily: the pendrive is rewriteable, which is important if you intend to backup your current installed BIOS version before making the update. Remember: it's a good idea to take a look into the mainboard manual or other readme/help files from your manufacturer!
See: How to create a bootable USB-Stick - BIOS-Update per bootable CD (DOS)
The CD simulates (emulates) a floppy drive on boot. Due to the size limitation of the 2.88MB floppy disk, you can use only a BIOS file and a flash program, when both file sizes are less than ~ 2.7MB! Remember: it's a good idea to take a look into the mainboard manual or other readme/help files from your manufacturer!
See: How to create a Boot-CD - BIOS-Update per bootable Diskette (DOS)
Due to the size limitation of the 1.44MB floppy disk, you can use only a BIOS file and a flash program, when both file sizes are less than ~ 1.2MB! Make sure to use a perfect Diskette without any errors! Remember: it's a good idea to take a look into the mainboard manual or other readme/help files from your manufacturer!
See: How to create a Boot-Diskette - BIOS-Update per Windows software
Are you sure? OK, it's your risk. You have to purchase the BIOS file and the Windows flash utility from the mainboard/notebook/brand PC manufacturer website. Start the utility and follow the instructions. Remember: it's a good idea to take a look into the mainboard manual or other readme/help files from your manufacturer!
See: Manufacturer links - The safest solution: BIOS-Update per Replacement chip
On BIOSFLASH.COM you can purchase all common BIOS-Chips, programmed with your desired BIOS version for a small prize. So you don't have to make a risky BIOS update by yourself, which could damage your PC, and you have a second BIOS-Chip in reserve for later experiments or if you want to try an update by your own.
See: BIOS-Chip order form

Attention: this Howto describes only a BIOS update according to standard, how it should work on most mainboards with AMI-BIOS, AWARD-BIOS or PHOENIX-BIOS. I cannot guarentee that it will work on your PC and I assume no liability for any damages! Please read the README files from your Mainboard manufacturer or PC manufacturer.
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biosflash 13.Feb.2023 14:56@Tasdelen
ASUS bietet für einige Mainboards einen "BIOS Converter" für .ROM --> .CAP an.
Zum Beispiel für das P9X79 DELUXE gibt es den "P9X79-DELUXE-CAP-Converter" hier unter "Treiber & Tools":
Aber(!): ob dieser Converter auch für andere Mainboardmodell benutzt werden kann, weiß ich nicht!
Wozu das ganze überhaupt? Kannst du nicht einfach eine normale .BIN oder .ROM flashen über EZ-Flash? Muss es unbedingt eine .CAP sein? Oder sonst eben das ganze per USB-Stick unter MS-DOS?
Tasdelen 13.Feb.2023 14:01Hallo ich habe Asus Mainboard die Windows 10 key drin. Möchte dies löschen. Habe eine BIN File erzeugt und abgespeichert. Möchte Diese in eine CAP File convertieren, damit ich EZ-Flash in Mainboard update machen kann. Gibt es ein Convertter oder andere Lösung Danke Yuksel Tasdelen
sofiene 21.Aug.2018 15:51Hi i have a Dell precision T1650 that i'm facing some problems with In fact it all started when the bios wouldn't recognize all my Ram so i tried to change the rams but no success.When i try 2 slots it's recognizing the full memory and when i use the 4 slots is recognizing only 2 slots. so i tried to update the bios may be that was the problem but the bios this time won't update. I tried windows executable and dos method but no success the update procedure starts and when it reboots to execute the update nothing happens i think changing the bios chip can be my last option what do you think? and which bios chip should i buy for my desktop motherboard Thanks in advance
biosflash 5.Oct.2013 14:31@Cristian Dumitrescu
Read the product website:
Cristian Dumitrescu 5.Oct.2013 14:17Hey all! Any idea how I'm doing a bios update (ASROCK K7S4GX)! if you can send me some photos to your e-mail to me I would be grateful and indebted. Thanks!
Will 27.Dec.2011 14:39Thanks for writing such an easy-to-understand atrcile on this topic.
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